Composting Container- Aerobic Biological Treatment of Organic Waste in Containers for Compost Production


Waste Type:

The Compost Container is suitable for the treatment of:

  • Organic/ biodegradable fraction of municipal solid waste
  • Organic/ source separated waste
  • Waste garden
  • Agricultural, commercial and other activitiy waste
  • Biological sludge from municipal wastewater treatment

Product Description:

The product is an application of the aerobic biological treatment (composting), performed by controlled aeration of waste in containers. The system is mobile and modular, which allows expansion and flexibility in seasonal variation in quantity of waste. System installation is easy, fast and simple, as only a concrete base is required.

The total equipment is installed inside the container or on its side. The aeration of the waste mass is controlled through a pipe network, which is embedded in the containers. The processed air, which passes through the material, is sent to the biofilter in order to be deodorized and purified before being released to the atmosphere. Each container has a blowers system, a leachate collection system as well as an automatic adjustment and control system of the treatment.

Through biological treatment is achieved reduction in the waste mass, hygienization and destruction of pathogenic microorganisms. The result of the process is the production of a stabilized and odorless material which can be used as fertilizer.

Main advantage of this system is that within the container can be performed both the phase of oxidation / stabilization and the stage of maturation. This means that no additional space is required for the maturation of the waste piles. Container systems are available in various sizes, to process from 100 to 600m3 of waste annually per container.



  • Simplicity in design and system operation
  • Easy and fast system installation
  • Possibility to extend and expand capacity
  • Flexibility in the seasonal variation of waste
  • Production of a marketable compost product

Product in Figures:

Waste streamOrganic waste, Biological sludge

Container capacity10 – 30 m3
Container capacity50 – 3.000 tn / year
Reducing waste mass20-40%
Treatment time12-60 days
Treatment productCompost